10 Moments that bring out all the feels.

Let’s face it. Movies are pretty great. They can inspire,
frighten, inform, entertain and delight. They are a major mechanism in our society
to play out the vicarious adventures of our heroes, both fictional and non
fictional. Throughout the history of movies there have been some truly epic
movie-moments that bring out all the feels. This list is just some of the big
ones out there. It’s by no means a comprehensive list, and it’s not really in
any particular order. Warning: there are spoilers ahead, but none of these
movies are all that new so if you haven’t seen them by now you don’t really get
to complain about being spoiled.
For Frodo – Return of the King
This movie has to be my favorite of the trilogy, and this moment has to be its crowning jewel. We, the audience, have just witness the greatest battle of the age where the Dark Lord Saron has just tried to wipe out the kingdom of Gondor. The combined armies of Gondor and Rohan are all but broken; narrowly escaping defeat at the relentless press of legions of orcs. Not to mention the vast contributions from Saron’s human allies. The heroes could have said right there they were done. Instead, they march on the Black Gate fully expecting to die in an effort to distract the forces of evil long enough for Frodo and Sam to destroy the One Ring.
The incredible Aragorn gives that rousing speech, as the
battle weary army looks on at yet more legions of orcs pour from the ominous
gate. Do you remember that look from Aragorn just before he said those words?
Man I get goose bumps just thinking about it. A lot of the power of this scene
should be credited to Vigo Mortensen, the actor behind Aragorn’s eyes. I have a
lot of respect for Mr. Mortensen, and the total awesomeness that he brought to
that role. And let’s face it, he makes a hot Aragorn just ask any FanGirl. I
can’t say I blame them; I am a straight male, and he just might even be my free
pass if the opportunity came up.
Han Solo’s Sacrifice – Star Wars: The Force Awakens
This one will be the newest movie on this list. Do you
remember how you felt, sitting in that big, dark theater? I do. As soon as I
saw Han step on to that catwalk I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn’t
look away. I was mesmerized with the horror of the situation. Surely they can’t
kill Han Solo? I mean, he’s HAN SOLO; one of the most iconic characters in the
franchise. I couldn’t look away. I could barely breath, the tension was so
thick. Then the blow… Even though I knew it was coming it still shocked me.
That shock stayed with me throughout the rest of the movie and all the way back
to my house. And I’m not too proud to say that I even teared up at the loss of
my ever-present childhood hero.
I have known for years that Harrison Ford was an advocate
for Han Solo’s death, and I have always respected that because Mr. Ford has
stated his reasoning was to give the character more gravitas. Not to simply
escape the role as so many believe. I wasn’t sure about this move once it
happened, but now that it has I agree with Mr. Ford’s call. The way Solo died
was the perfect final stroke of the painting of the character. And now, in a
truly Shakespearian way, Han Solo has got to be one of the most tragic,
relatable, lovable characters in the entire franchise. He ends a reluctant
hero, a scoundrel shielding a good man, and finally a deeply wounded husband
and father whose last act was to unconditionally love his family. The epic
tragedy of his life is most likely seconded only to Anakin/Vader himself.
The Avengers Assembled – The Avengers

It was a moment that literally took years to build. I was
there every step of the way. Marvel had released movie after movie, laying the
ground work and showing us how these heroes were coming into their own. Each
new movie being a standalone adventure in its own right, as well as part of the
larger whole was just one more piece in place. The final result was truly
monumental. Just think how much planning went into that bit of cinematic
epicenes; the countless man hours and the millions of dollars all so that we,
the FansBoys and FanGirls, could see Earths mightiest heroes rise up against
Loki and strike their hero poses as alien explosions ripped around them. Than
the music crescendos right in perfect queue as if to say ‘behold mere mortals,
your champions are finally ready. Now let’s kick some booty’.
I imagine that the creators of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
were pretty proud of that moment. They really should be, too. It did not
disappoint. I remember that I was so excited for this movie. We had booked
opening night tickets for Universal Studios – Florida. The atmosphere was
electric as hundreds of my fellow geeks totally glutted on the feast that was
that movie.
Assimilate This! – Star Trek: First Contact
After several tense moments the interlocks release, allowing
the deflector dish, a group of Borg Drones and their interplexing begin to
float free of the ship. It cost Hawke is life to pull it off, and Worf is
presumed dead by decompression somewhere off screen. Only a thin cable connects
the dish to the ship providing the Borg with the power they need. The now assimilated Hawke moves to intervene, cracking Picard's helmet. Suddenly,
orange lightening lances out, Blasting poor, Borgified Hawke away. The camera pans over and we see Worf standing there, alive and well; his phaser rifle at the ready, a severed Borg arm keeping his space suit
from decompressing. Picard shoots his rifle, severing the cable and cutting power to the
beacon. And then comes that wonderful line: Assimilate this!
Another orange blast from Worf zips from the phaser, ripping into the dish and causing it
to explode.
This is just one of many moments of pure epic-osity that we
get from Commander Worf throughout his vast appearances in Star Trek. It is
perfectly timed jocularity, giving the audience a much needed chance to cheer for
the good guys in this retelling of Moby Dick. ST: First Contact is my favorite
of the TNG movies, and out of all the franchise offerings I rank it right up
there with ST: the Undiscovered Country. If you remember, it was the second
offering of a TNG movie, and while the first one felt just like an extended
episode of the series, First Contact went so much deeper. It actually felt like
a feature film, and has earned it’s spot on this list.
Neville’s Moment – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2
Neville Longbottem is, in my humble opinion, the best, most compelling character in the entire Harry Potter series. That's perhaps a bold statement, but in thinking about it, I actually connect the most with him. Neville starts off this adventure as a very nervous, but law-abiding kid. But right from the start we see that he is prone to great acts of courage despite his misgivings.
In the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 Neville really comes into his own. In this movie we see that he has been forged into a much different Neville. His nerves are either melted away or hidden very well. He courageous defies the evil admistrators in Hogwarts, filling the power vacuum Harry left behind. He rallies the students in the final battle with Old Voldy, and than courageously wields the Sword of Griffindor to save the day. Let's also not forget that the central prophecy to the story could also very well apply to him as much as to Harry Potter. I am pretty sure I cheered out loud, in the theater when he killed that snake, and I sure did get goose bumps at that speech of his. Yes, Neville's place on this list is really well earned.
Vader vs Luke – Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi
Despite the prequels being somewhat derided by the older fan base, I think everyone agrees that the lightsaber duals were incredible. They were exciting, fast and elegant. They also revolutionized perceptions of how the Jedi do battle. But, when it comes to pure, unabated epic-tude nothing can beat the two duals between Darth Vader and Luke Skywaker. If you remember back, they are not fast, nor elegant in any way. They are slowly paced giving us a sense of just how brutal the battles are. They do not have the same flourishes that we have come to expect from seasoned Jedi, rather they are simple in their movements. I feel this adds to the deadly heaviness of the scenes, they are really trying to kill each other.
It’s also in these scenes that we get some real base
emotions from the combatants. Fear, anger, desperation, and vengeance all rear their
ugly heads, just to name a few. These encounters are dark, and brooding, and
that is why they are some of the more amazing parts of the Star Wars franchise.
Gaming with Vizzini – The Princess Bride
I think it's safe to say that the Princess Bride is one of those movies that is so entrenched in pop culture that it will stay in our collective hearts for years to come. My absolute favorite part of this movie (other than the amazing sword play) is the battle of wits. They really couldn't have gotten a better actor to play Vizzini than Wallace Shawn. Seriously, look him up sometime. The man is an amazing actor, with fantastic comedic timing. This scene shows his skills perfectly. Vizzini, that intellectual, self important, little troll is the brains behind the group of mercenaries hired by Prince Humperdink to kidnap and murder Buttercup, in a bid to start a war with Guilder. But the Dread Pirate Roberts is tracking the band to rescue the girl.
Little did poor, delusional Vizzini know that the game was rigged, stopping his gloating in it's tracks and dropping him dead mid laugh. I still belly laugh after all these years, and I've scene this movie something like 24 1/2 million times - give or take. Truly, an epic moment in this movie, but I suspect it is one of many.
No CLU – TRON:Legacy
Do you remember TRON? I mean the first one. Yeah mind blowing, right? I love that movie, and I consider it a Science Fiction Classic. So, when TRON: Legacy came out I was over the moon! That movie did not disappoint either. It was so good. From the sound track that Daft Punk knocked out of the park to the plot, it was the perfect syst..ahem, I mean movie. (see what I did there?)
And the moment that really made that movie for me, the final moments between Finn and CLU. I love how Finn reaches out to CLU like a wayward son, taking the blame for CLU's misunderstanding his programming and causing totalitarian destruction in the Grid. I still hope that somehow Finn actually did survive that hug o' death at the end, but it doesn't really seem to likely.
I Command You Now… Too Fight! – First Knight
There have been so many retellings of the classic story of
King Arthur and his noble knights of the round table. Way too many to count,
but I always felt that 1995’s First Knight was a worthy addition. Throughout
the movie I really felt for Arthur. He’s portrayed as an old warrior king,
looking to settle down and enjoy the quiet life. But, one of his trusted
knights, Maleagnat, has gone rogue with the intent to take the crown for
himself. Add to that the classic, but not so steamy love affair between
Lancelot and Guinevere just makes Arthur’s pain all the worse.
This epic moment
actually takes place at the end of the movie. Arthur seems to be defeated,
Maleagant’s men have stormed Camelot, interrupting a trial where Guinevere and
Lancelot are charged with treason. The baddie simply demands the hero to hand
over the crown in exchange for no blood being spilled. Arthur kneels, seemingly
given up; the stress of it all has caught up to old age. But then, we see
something. It’s subtle. It’s a demonstration of the quality of actor Sean Connery
actually is. A sideways glance at the villain, from here we know it’s not over,
he’s not given up. But we also know that in not giving up, he will be the first
to die in the battle. That moment earns this movie a place on this list. Camelot Lives!
You First – The 3 Musketeers
The last movie I’ll mention for this post is The 3
Musketeers. Just like with Arthurian legend, this story has been told a
thousand times. This epic moment comes from the 1993 version with Chris O’Donnell,
Charlie Sheen, Tim Curry and Kiefer Sutherland. Despite what people may think
about the actors, this movie suited their talents well. Growing up, it was on
my regular playlist. Tim Curry really pulls out all the stops in this movie. I’ve
never seen him portray a vilely, villainous scumbag nearly as well as he did
the Cardinal. He had all the best lines, and the perfect air of superiority.
This tidbit of epic acting comes to us from the standoff
between the Cardinal and Aramis. “You are under arrest, charged with treason,”
Aramis states. The Cardinal laughs as only Tim Curry can, “You of all people
should know, the Cardinal does not answer to the laws of men!” “Then you’ll
answer to God,” Aramis threatens. Suddenly the cardinal pulls a small pistol
from his robes, blasting the musketeer. “You first,” he sneers and walks away.
Even the baddies get epic moments too, and Tim Curry gets a lot of them in this