Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Star Trek for Canadian Netflix Subscribers

Star Trek for Canadian Netflix Subscribers

Netflix recognizes the needs of the many and the few

Netflix in Canada has just started the summer off right by adding every single Star Trek episode ever. That’s right, Geeks of Canada rejoice because it’s all there, even the shortly lived animated series, and the controversial Enterprise prequel. I don’t know about you, but I’ve already started to binge watch in chronological order before it gets taken down. 

2016 – A Roller Coaster Year for Trek

Anton Yelchin portrayed Pavel Chekov
This year has already proven to be a year of ups and downs for Trekkies, as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the franchise but yet mourn the loss of yet another of its beloved actors, Anton Yelchin. If you recall: Anton Yelchin (Reboot Trek’s plucky Chekov) passed away in a tragic car accident mid June. Then there was the released guidelines for fan films that set the community in a frenzy, with most people looking at it as a “do this unreasonable thing if you don’t want sued” sort of message.

But it’s not all bad, there are some pretty good ups too. With Netflix joining in the fun of Trek’s 50th year, it will give us a good appetizer for the exciting titles to come. Don’t forget that Star Trek Beyond premieres in just a few weeks and will give us what looks like another exciting story from the Reboot Universe. Then there is the mysterious TV show set to be released in 2017. We don’t seem to know a whole lot about, except for the fact that it is set to only appear in CBS’s streaming service.

Will the New Series be on Netflix too?

To be honest, I’m worried that I won’t get the chance to see the new show if it stays restricted to CBS. I’m not intending on subscribing to the service just for one show, and I’m not even that sure if CBS is going to be able to show it in Canada. But with the recent additions in Netflix’s lineup I’ve totally got my hopes up that the Star Trek brass will release it to Canadian audiences through Netflix. If you have been keeping track of the rumour mills, than you will have found articles written about Trek being pulled down from Netflix, and ones that claim not only it will stay but the new show will be added to the line-up. Does that apply to our Canadian version of Netflix? Who knows? It’s a well known fact that our version is very different than what our friends in the South get. I guess only time will tell.

The Smart Choice

If the new show were to come to Netflix it would be a smart choice for powers that be, in my point of view. Netflix, over the years has been criticized heavily for its poor selection in Canada. B movies and products you’ve never heard of have littered the landscape offering Canadian audiences little. I was told once that it had to do with copy-right issues, but in recent months it seems that the big N has stepped up its game for the True North. I’ve noticed more block buster titles recently, and with Disney agreeing to make Netflix its streaming ‘go to’ I think that their offerings are only going to get better. Keep your fingers crossed my Nerd-izles, and keep them crossed tightly.

Tell me what you think in the comments. Will Star Trek stay on Netflix? Will the new show be awesome? I want to hear what you think.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Allow Me To Introduce Myself

My brother and I taking names in Halo 3: ODST

Allow Me To Introduce Myself 

Who I am

Hi, I’m Reo Tharmus. At least that is my gamer alias and has been ever since I was a teenager. I like to consider myself a kind of super fan-boy. That is to say if I nerd-out on something, I will nerd-out hard; devouring every little bit I can come across. I love digging into lore, theory and story as deep as I can just because it’s really fun to get into that level of complexity. Yes, I love a good story - one that is thought out, fleshed out and riveting. I love seeing the hidden meaning and complexity in stories because it adds a real sense of depth and growth into the world that I’m exploring.

Oh how I love to game

I’m also a huge gamer; have been since I was a little kid. My childhood was spent rocking out on old platforms that my Dad had scrounged: Atari, Commodore 64, and that ilk. We couldn’t really afford the more contemporary platforms like the Sega Genesis or the Nintendo till later on. That didn’t really stop me from experiencing them; I spent hours on my friends Genesis and later on his Play Station 2.

I have also played quite a bit of PC games during my time, more so during my teenage years. Some of the best games I've ever played have been on a PC, but then I was exposed to the mighty Xbox. My Dad rented one from Blockbuster (because they were still a thing back then) along with a copy of 2002’s Star Wars: the Clone Wars, and I was blown away! It was the best thing I had ever experienced at the time. Looking back that was when I really entered the world of modern gaming. Now I’m all grown up, and have worn out 2 Xbox 360’s (not to mention about a dozen other computers and platforms), and I’m currently working on wearing out my first Xbox One. 
Father and son - My desk toys

But there is a lot more

Gaming is just one part of my very complicated life. I am a man of a hundred hobbies, likes, interests and passions. That plus my “normal person” responsibilities of being a working husband/father keep me pretty busy. But I’m always up for a great adventure. If I were to try and  give you a list of all the things that I nerd out on, I think the top of the list would have to be Star Wars. That's right I am a huge  Star Wars fan. Also on that list would be Star Trek, Lord of the rings, Harry Potter.... Well you get the idea.  Some of my other hobbies include  archery, sword fighting, paintball and writing (big surprise there). 

Hence this blog

All of my interests and hobbies are really part of who I am, but I've learned through the years that being a nerd is not always appreciated by people. Even in this day and age when it's never been cooler to be a geek or a nerd there is still a lot of people that just don't get it. I see this a lot in my 'normal person' job. It's hard to be part of the water cooler chitchat when it's about stuff I have no interest in, and trying to start up a worthwhile conversation about how amazing the nuances of the Marvel Universe are is like trying to cut off a head of Hydra (see what I did there?). 

So this blog, Fanboy's Harbour, is a place for me to do just that: express myself about what I like and don't like about my favourite topics. I have no idea if anyone is going to read what I post on here, and to be honest, it doesn't really matter either way. I still get the space I want to pull back my white shirt and let my red and yellow out. If anyone does read my musings on here that's awesome and I think it would be cool for them to join in the fun too. There is just so much to talk about I am excited to see where this takes me.